Last week was the JHBC students’ backpacking class. I had the honor and pleasure of helping lead one of our three groups that went out for 2 nights throughout the week. Kenton (the guy’s head RA), me, Cally (women’s RA), and Analea lead a group of 13 students up to the group camping site below Lake Solitude in Grand Teton National Park. It was a great hike up there (7.5 miles, 2000 ft elevation gain to the campsite), and we went on a great day hike the next day. Overall, a great hiking experience. But for me, it was an even greater experience to assist leading and guiding the trip. I even had the privilege of sharing a devotional with the students on the second night. For those who know me well, you know that speaking in front of everyone isn’t my strongest skill or desire. But praise the Lord, everything went quite smoothly and I was able to share God’s Word without stumbling through it all. Only by His strength. 🙂
Anyways, I also took my camera along. But shock of all shocks, I didn’t take my nice big DSLR camera and lenses. I took a little Canon G12 point-and-shoot. What!? Derrick, using a point-and-shoot!?? Believe me, I surprised even myself. It’s not the worst point-and-shoot camera, but that’s not the point (pun intended :). It was small, compact, easy to access, and I didn’t have to take an extra bag along. So believe it or not, I decided to tip the scales towards hiking rather than photography. So with that said, let me know what you think of the results! Can you tell a difference? 🙂