6/27/11 Teton Village Tram Hike

Well, this hike wasn’t promising to include great photo opportunities. It was a very good challenging hike up the ski hill, and then once we were half way up to the tram (so we could get a free ride down), we were met by two hikers who told us that in another two miles there was an avalanche that had blocked the trail. I was hiking with a group of 6, and so Josh Gilmore and I decided to not risk it and just start heading back down the trail while the others went onwards. Am I glad I turned back!! We ended up running into those two hikers again, who had stopped because there were three black bears on the trail! There was a mom and two cubs that we decided to be patient with and wait a while, so I got a few photo opportunities for the first bears I’ve seen here in Wyoming. They didn’t want to get off the trail, so Josh and I decided to go back a little bit and then cut down ahead of them a ways. Super awesome, praise the Lord! Hope you enjoy the photos.

Black bear cub.

Mamma bear.

Black bear cubs fighting in the tree.

Very cool-colored black bear cub.

Pausing on the descent.

Starting down the rest of the way.

Other cub following quickly.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hi Derrick,
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Teton Village to share on our site and I came across your post…If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!

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